Thursday, September 25, 2008

Too Busy

As I mentioned previously, kindergraten started with a week of half days. This realy helped the kids to adjust to the new routine, and gave the teachers an opportunity to hold conferences with the parents in the afternoon. I had signed up for the first slot after school on the second day to get it done with. There really wasn't enough time for us to drive home, eat lunch, and come back, so I decided to pack a picnic lunch for the girls and myself, which we then ate on the school lawn.

As we sat there eating, a bus pulled up, a single kindergartener climbed aboard, and off they went. When Priscilla saw this she remarked "Oh, her mom must be too busy." This comment really struck me at the time and has continued to impact my thinking since. Now, I am not judging people who send thier little ones on the bus, I would if could. I don't know if her mom has to work, or if this little girl just likes to ride the bus, or anything about their situation. However, what I got out of this moment is that my daughter know that I am not too busy for her.

We make so many sacrifices for our children. There are times that I think we would be in a totally different world financially if I did work a little more often. Sometimes it can be challenging to be a stay-at-home mom, for various reasons. However, this moment with my little girl has completely validated me. I realized that all of the little things that I do for my child, whether it be carefully choosing her school even if it means driving her there every day, cutting sandwiches into heart shapes (shameful, I know, but it makes her eat more ;), or just playing with her, sends her the message that she takes high priority in my life.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

I had to release my baby into the cold, cruel world of elementary school. Hopefully it will treat her well. We woke up bright and early, and set out with a princess backpack and Hello Kitty sandals. It wasn't as traumatic for me as I had anticipated, due to our preschool experience - the first week of kindergarten here consists of half days. Unfortunately, all of the schools here in Lansing have all-day kindergarten, so the second week was a little more heartbreaking. I realized that someone else now has my daughter for the greater part of the day! Priscilla, however, has been handling the change beautifully.

Poor Natasha is now spending more of her time than even in the carseat. For a while she was taking all of her naps in there and I was afraid she might not sleep in a crib again!

Priscilla with her teacher, Mrs. Gorbe.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Daddy's girls

These girls sure love their daddy, and they love going to his softball games. They really don't pay much attention to the game once we get there, though, because there is a nearby playground that they find much more interesting. They also cheer for the wrong team and applaud almost any play during the time they actually ARE watching, so taking them away from the field does gain appeal the longer we are there....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The trip up North

Well, we survived the trip to Aunt Connie and Uncle Eric's. The girls all did really well on the ride up, which is saying something since it is a seven hour drive to their house in the U.P. The ride home was a different story ;) We stopped at a roadside park just after crossing the Mackinaw bridge to take a rest. I really wonder what people did before portable DVD players...

Natasha really traveled well on the way there. The trip back was another story :)

Scenic overlook along Lake Michigan

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ready for Niagara

I'm not sure what possesed Jeff or Natasha in this case

Eight months old

Natasha is growing so fast. She is such a happy, fun-loving little girl :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cottage Visit

The girls and I enjoyed a visit to "Great Grandma Jenkins'" cottage this week. Priscilla, Samantha, and I had a successful fishing session with Grandpa, and we also collected some water lillies. Priscilla and Samantha went home with Grandma and Grandpa, and Natasha and I had a VERY quiet ride home.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mom and her girls

The House That Mike Built

Mike wanted to get Priscilla something really special for her birthday, so he decided upon this cedar playhouse. He came up the day before the party to put it together. It took a little longer than we anticipated, and we worked well into the night. We finally finished around 1am.

It was all worth it seeing her face the next day when we revealed it to her at the party that afternoon.


My girls have known from an early age that they are princesses. I am not sure how they know it, they just do. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that when they were babies I would dress them in head to toe pink to minimize the number of comments I would get about my cute little boy. Dressing up just starts earlier when you have two big sisters :)

Priscilla turns 5!

I can't believe my little girl is already five. We had a nice party just the five of us on the night of her birthday. The following weekend we had some of the family over to celebrate.

Preschool graduation

I remember telling Jeff how rediculous I think it is that they now have a ceremony for a preschol gradutation. Those feelings didn't stop me from pushing my way to the front of the room to get a good shot of my little girl. She had such a great experience and made so many friends at school and I am glad to see she isn't shy like her momma was as a kid.

Priscilla with her wonderful teachers, Ms. W and Mrs. Burch

The cupcake next to Samantha's plate is the one Priscilla dropped on the floor and then tried to give to Samantha. The sad thing is, she was going to take it. I made sure she got a fresh one, though.