Sunday, January 25, 2009


A group of us ladies met for dinner and then went to see Twilight the weekend it came out. It was so fun. Of course, I had already succumbed to temptation and saw it at 12:01 Friday morning with Charity, but I enjoyed it even more the second time.
Melanie and Shannon
Elaine, Me, Charity
Tori, Melisa, Melissa
Jen, Jeannette, Holli
All of us.


Becky said...

I loved Jeannette and Holli's shirts! So, how many times did you see it? I'll tell you how many times I saw it, only I'll say it in a different language so you don't instantly gasp and acknowledge my insane obsession: Funf! Cinco! Pyat! ive-fay!
So, how about you? Have you ordered your DVD yet? (this is unhealthy but it sure is a fun obsession).

p.s. side thought...I just got called as the primary chorister and was wondering if you know of any good sites on line for ideas.

Jordan and Elaine's Family said...

That was so much fun! We are definitely due for another girls night out!