As I mentioned previously, kindergraten started with a week of half days. This realy helped the kids to adjust to the new routine, and gave the teachers an opportunity to hold conferences with the parents in the afternoon. I had signed up for the first slot after school on the second day to get it done with. There really wasn't enough time for us to drive home, eat lunch, and come back, so I decided to pack a picnic lunch for the girls and myself, which we then ate on the school lawn.
As we sat there eating, a bus pulled up, a single kindergartener climbed aboard, and off they went. When Priscilla saw this she remarked "Oh, her mom must be too busy." This comment really struck me at the time and has continued to impact my thinking since. Now, I am not judging people who send thier little ones on the bus, I would if could. I don't know if her mom has to work, or if this little girl just likes to ride the bus, or anything about their situation. However, what I got out of this moment is that my daughter know that I am not too busy for her.
We make so many sacrifices for our children. There are times that I think we would be in a totally different world financially if I did work a little more often. Sometimes it can be challenging to be a stay-at-home mom, for various reasons. However, this moment with my little girl has completely validated me. I realized that all of the little things that I do for my child, whether it be carefully choosing her school even if it means driving her there every day, cutting sandwiches into heart shapes (shameful, I know, but it makes her eat more ;), or just playing with her, sends her the message that she takes high priority in my life.
Fly on the wall: Thursday
5 years ago
What a good feeling to know that your kids are appreciating your efforts, even if they can't say it.
I had a hard time putting Daven on a bus. I was really hoping they'd put him in a closer school, but it is too far away. I can't be at both schools at once and they get out at the same time. Sigh. At least his pick up and drop off is in front of my house. :)
I think Jaden would have been fine with full day kingergarten. But Daven lives in emotion. He feels everything really deeply. He is adjusting to daily school quite well, so I think he'll be okay with full day. I guess we'll see. :)
What a great insight. Thanks for sharing and making me feel a little more validated, even though it wasn't even my child that made the comment. Sometimes we all need a reminder that what we're doing really does matter!
That was a wonderful entry and even got me a little teary eyed. What we do every day may not get the attention or prestige a "real" (ha-ha-ha!!!) job gets but we're like the builders of a great building, brick by brick until we've got something or someone wonderful and greater able to serve and pass on the love they were shown.
I miss you Julie! So nice to see the pictures!
What a sincere thought that was Julie! Thank you! I'm glad your daughter recognizes the sacrifices and abundance of love you have for her even as a kinergartener! How wonderful for you!
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